Call to action

Call to action

21st century learners need skills to: 

  • Manage and analyze information 
  • Think critically 
  • Innovate 
  • Communicate clearly 
  • Collaborate  
  • Build relationships  

Learners only gain these skills by doing. Memorizing and repeating information for reports and tests does not develop these skills. When implemented at the deepest level, 21CLD dimensions encourage learners to try new things to discover their interests and talents. This creates opportunities for future success.

As educators, it’s our responsibility to create learning activities that allow learners to practice these skills. 21CLD supports educators in this. Use the knowledge gained in this module to transform experiences for learners. With thoughtful design, learners will practice all six 21st century skill throughout a term. Not every learning activity will integrate all dimensions. And learners don’t always need to practice a dimension at its highest level. Instead, strive to have learners practice each dimension at various levels.

Once learners have practiced a 21CLD skill, evaluate the success of the learning activity. Reflect on what learners gained from the experience. Study the impact it makes. If necessary, modify it to strengthen and deepen the level of practice.

When educators continually use the 21CLD dimensions to evaluate and design learning activities, they will become more familiar with the process. With continued practice, educators will gain experience with the design process, and learners will develop stronger skills.


Last modified: Friday, 26 August 2022, 2:43 PM